So far, it seems that our expenses are less than they were on the mainland. We've only used 1/4 tank of gas since we've been here, since it's easy to bike or walk everywhere. I used to commute about 6 miles each way to work and now I ride my beach cruiser. Since we prefer poke and Asian foods they are cheaper here than on the mainland as well. We don't have any heating or cooling bills. So far so good. Above, a picture I took while snorkeling.
Today's Honolulu Advertiser has a feature on places where President-elect Barack Obama used to live. I thought I'd share the pictures we took when we ran into him on the beach when he was visiting in August. He only had 3 or 4 secret service guys with him that morning, so we were able to talk to him and he was quite friendly. The first picture was when we had passed him already and it took me a while for the shock to wear off and have

I have another suggestion for something you might want to get before coming here. We have been rinsing the dogs at the beach shower after our walks, and it can be quite a pain. I found a hose attachment on Craigslist that makes it much easier. I don't think they are available here, so if you can find one bring it with you. Any short garden hose and sprayer that attaches to a garden hose faucet will work. It's nice to get the sand and salt water off the dogs before coming in the house.
I'm struggling a bit with the formatting here with pictures and text, sorry for the weird layout. I haven't received any comments or suggestions or followers so if this blog is useful or not please let me know.

Hello. Great site! Since you are not sure if anyone is reading, I just want to drop a line to let you know I read it. I found it thru bringfido.com. I used to live in Hawaii with my dogs and now I live with one of them in Bangkok, Thailand. I'm constantly looking for opportunities to move back there, if only I can find a job there!
P.S. I had to register as Google blogger to add a comment to your site. Maybe that's why you don't receive comments...
Hi. I am reading your blog as we are in the process of moving back to Hawaii. It is great! We have a German Shepherd (long haired) and a Great Pyrenees. We currently live in Minneapolis and are returning to Hawaii after five and a half years away. I will be staying longer than we were intending due to the 120 day quarantine requirements. I guess I get to have my last real "winter" here and the dogs can run on the frozen lake for the last time. I cannot wait until they can run on the beach with me. Thanks to your blog I have just checked and found my dog's chip numbers and exact date they can arrive in Hawaii. Thanks a million for that link:) I see by your photos that you live in Lanikai. We are currently buying a house (with a decent size yard) in the Keolu Hills in Kailua. I would love to thank you personally for this great blog when I get back there.
Cheers (I am Australian)
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