Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy Spring 2012! Still going strong!

Here is a picture I took on Easter morning right before sunrise from the Pillbox Trail in the hills above Lanikai.

The doggies are still going strong. Tasha is having some hip problems, but she can make it to the beach on a good day and has a strong appetite. We walk them to Kailua Beach Park twice a day. Tasha is now 15 years 9 months old and Danzig is at least that old, though we aren't sure because he was a stray. We've had them both since 1996/97. Tasha was also adopted from the shelter, but her previous owners dropped her off with her papers.

Here's a video I took of Tasha wearing her hip hound brace, though it turned out to be too big for her. I took this video to show to the brace company and they advised it was too big and were great about sending us a smaller size. She still won't use it but we have kept it just in case.
We had the opportunity to take a staycation on Maui a couple of weeks ago. To the right is a photo of the sunset from the south shore, in Wailea. The snorkeling and whale watching was amazing. My parents watched the dogs and my mom gave them so much love (and a haircut) they were refreshed and renewed when we returned from the weekend.

We had friends from Mainland visit us who knew our dogs way back when. One of them was the managing partner at my law firm when I started out as a young attorney. They were amazed that our dogs are still around. I've said this before, but we're sure the climate of Hawaii has extended the lifespan of our dogs, who were expected to live 12 or 13 years total. The vet told us on January 5, 2011 that Danzig's cancer would not allow him to live more than a few months. He is a happy boy these days, we give him and Tasha all the love that we can.

It's been a blessing to be able to apply my real estate law experience to my fun career as a realtor, I've helped some clients and good friends move into their new vacation homes over this past winter and enjoyed sharing paradise with them! Time to walk the dogs and ride our bikes to the Kailua Farmer's Market for dinner. Aloha for now! Happy Spring!