I wanted to post a quick update to let you know I'm still here to answer your questions and offer advice. A reader asked for my email, it is vickiyurealtor@gmail.com.
Our dogs are still loving life in Hawaii. The photo above was taken last week (May 2011). Tasha will be 15 years old in July, and Danzig is probably around the same age, since we have had him for over 13 years and when we adopted him as a stray he was estimated at about 2 years old. When we moved from snow country, Danzig was suffering from arthritis. The climate here seems to have helped prolong their lives. Just like for humans, swings in temperature can be hard on the body, so retirement in a warm climate is ideal.
Fifteen years old is quite advanced for large breed dogs living anywhere, so they are showing some signs of age. Tasha still insists on prancing when she walks. She looks like a wind-up toy with her feet lifting high off the ground in slow motion. The last time she was climbing a sand dune she fell over backwards and tumbled into the sand. It surprised her since she has always been such an agile athlete. She lives on love, and whenever someone comes up to her and pets her it makes her day. Danzig was diagnosed with cancer in January and had a tumor removed from his throat. The doctor gave him a few months to live, and we are focusing on giving him the best life possible. He seems really happy and wags his tail all the tim
I don't want to make too long of a post here, so the most useful information about flying with pets to Hawaii still appears on this page. There is another point I needed to add. If you are moving here without a place to move into, it could be very difficult to find a (nice) rental that allows pets. Please keep that in mind, since I have heard of people giving their pets away after going through all the trouble to get them here because they couldn't find a place that would allow them. If you are fortunate enough to be able to buy your own house or condo, then this is not an issue. Of course you need to check the pet policy of any building you buy into. I will check this for you if you send me the building name or address. I am very familiar with the housing market all over Oahu. I have found homes for people who had no idea where they wanted to live at first (my parents and myself included) and did extensive research to fit neighborhoods to lifestyle, wants and needs. I haven't mentioned that I am a realtor before, since this blog is dedicated to our dogs. I have over 13 years professional experience as an attorney and with real estate matters, and this background has proved invaluable to my clients. If I can be of any assistance in helping you to find a new home for you and your pets, please feel free to contact me!
Rainbow photographed from the Pali Highway, Kailua bound.
You were amazing! Someone linked your blog on a post on city-data, and although I have a cat, I still couldn't pass up on someone's first-hand acct of traveling with a pet to Hawaii.
I have bookmarked your site and I will definitely be emailing you when the time comes!
Thank you so much for the wealth of information, and I will do my best to make sure I do everything flawlessly!
Your new reader,
I just wanted to say mahalo for sharing your traveling experience with us. I am traveling to HI with my chihuahua and I am so worried. I am overwhelmed with everything that I need to do and all the paperwork that I need to prepare. Do you know if the vaccine expiration date is the same as the lot expiration date? My dog's rabies vaccination certificates do not list lot expiration dates. I tried calling the vet who did the vaccination, but he never gets back to me.
Thank you for your comment. I would suggest calling the Quarantine office in Hawaii directly to make sure, but I believe lot expiration date indicates the expiration of the vaccine itself. Good luck!
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