This morning w
e walked to the beach with the dogs. Here's a picture of Lanikai Point. The tree stumps are a reminder of how much the wider the beach used to be. Due to erosion many ironwood trees been removed.

Doggie update: At the age of 15+ years each and over three years since flying to Hawaii, Tasha and Danzig are both still doing well! I'll repeat that retiring to a comfortable climate such as Hawaii seems to have prolonged their lifespan. A few weeks ago we had an episode where I
feared it was time to say goodbye to Tasha. I was carefully monitoring her quality of life to make sure she was having more good days than bad and she was seeming more sad than happy. She was unable to walk at times and had a hard time getting up. I spent an entire day giving her love and affection. Love has amazing power, the extra attention really perked her up. I purchased a "bottoms up" leash for her, which is styled like my rock climbing harness to support her hips. After one
walk using the leash it seemed as if she decided to walk on her own, maybe she was embarrassed by it! It is as if she resolved to start "training" to walk better. She started breaking out of her pen and performing fea
ts of strength such as knocking over my beach cruiser to get out. Maybe she overheard me talking to the vet about our options, including putting her to sleep! I was so sad and torn about making sure she is living with dignity and comfort. We thought she'd never make it to the beach again, but now she is walking there regularly. Here are some photos taken this morning. 

As for Danzig, he continues to teach life lessons every day. He is so happy all the time, his tail wags him.
I can tell he his having some difficulty breathing because his malignant tumors are growing. However every audible breath is part of his excited happiness to be alive. Everything to him is awesome. Even when he was in the animal shelter the day we adopted him he stood out as the positive thinker. Every other dog was barking and unhappy about being caged. Danzig quietly sat there wagging his tail, as if he was thinking, cool, I'm no longer a stray on the highway, there's a roof over my head and regular meals! When we fixed his broken tooth, he was even happier with "Oh yeah! I'm no longer in excruciating pain!" We attract what we think about, and thinking positively brings more positive energy to your life. Aloha from Paradise!