Or, at least mine can't. As a result I fight a neverending battle against sandy floors. The dogs had a grooming appointment today. I seized the opportunity by taking them to the beach beforehand, knowing for once I wouldn't have to clean them in the beach shower (I did so anyway, to avoid getting my car all sandy, but not as thoroughly). I also tried to get them to swim in the ocean instead of just walking along the shorebreak. I got in the water myself to swim, Danzig followed me, but when his feet started floating he didn't like it and went back to shore. Tasha got wet, then went back and stood there barking at me. Then they both kept trying to come in but every time a wave came they backed up. Maybe it's that Arctic breeds don't like swimming. Oh well. At least I didn't have to clean up the salty sandy mess they became. While they were being groomed I cleaned and vacuumed. So the clean floors will last a few hours anyway. That's another thing to get used to living in Hawaii, especially if you go to the beach a lot. Dogs can't wipe their feet and will inevitably track sand into the house.